Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Roddy has an amazingly successful fundraiser

Well, it's a battle. Last night I attended Marilyn Roddy's fundraiser and I have a couple of observations.
1) Very well run, the atmosphere was awesome, great live music that wasn't to loud, wasn't too soft but was just perfect for listening and holding a conversation. I had to park my car about a quarter mile down the road. No problem the Roddy campaign already planned for that. They had two golf carts transporting people.
The crowd had money and came to fight for Roddy. As you can see my super beloved Lexus was out shined by a Mercedes and a brand spanking new dealer plates Masseratti.
Moral of the story Roddy will be well quipped and quickly reload her arsenal of fluid cash.

One thing I am noticing. Roddy is making strong inroads in battling for the Western Region. Since I lived a mile from the location I have also noticed that Roddy has been attending the all powerful Concord-Farragut Republican Club meetings which get a lot of media attention via Farragut Press. Sadly for some reason the Shopper refuses to cover the meetings hence the reasons why Farragut Press has in my opinion a better product. That and they got a strong team of dedicated reporters but I digress.

To be honest, the constant echo in this race is the following. 'Duncan Fatigue.' That is the main echo so many people telling me another Duncan running... The other side of the coin is I hear people hesitant on Roddy not so much for her guns in park vote. To be honest only people with super inside baseball knowledge complain about that. No it is her support of Red Light Cameras that is going to be her biggest hurdle.
However, that being said with all I am hearing on the street...literally I live here remember, this is my disrict. I feel as long as nobody else gets in the race Roddy has an excellent shot.
The one thing I did notice last night was that you didn't have the fence sitters and you didn't have the 'looky loos.' Let me explain, I can't even add up how many times I go to an event and I see the same people at the event I just saw at a rivals event. In English, so many people try to play both sides of the fence.
Roddy has a strong large dedicated core of supporters that can and are bringing the resources needed for a win.
Well, that is some leverage for now :)
Sincerely Daniel Hologram (my new name on the radio, it is catchy)

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Avon Rollins the amazing interview

A Chat with Avon Rollings from Leverage Park on Vimeo.

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Quick update with Rogero

Quick update with Madeline 05-22-11 from Leverage Park on Vimeo.

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Friday, May 20, 2011

another good show

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This looks good

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Teacher of the Year video

teacher of year from Leverage Park on Vimeo.

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John Stancil event

John Stancil Meet and greet from Leverage Park on Vimeo.

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A look at the Woman's Basketball Hall of Fame

Everyone is talking about Beck Center...well what about the Woman's Basketball Hall of Fame. I did some number crunching and it is shocking.

With the assistance of the mayor's office I got this response in a quick timely and professional manor...


Recently, you asked me several questions about the funding and operation of the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame. Specifically, you asked how the $150,000 in Knox County funds that WBHOF receives is used, what is the nature of Knox County’s ownership of the building, and what are the attendance totals.

Although I am not the custodian of the records pertaining to attendance, I asked the question of KTSC on your behalf. Below, you will find a table for this year’s monthly attendance at the WBHOF through April. According to Kim Bumpas at KTSC, the total 2010 attendance was 31,529.

To answer your other questions:

Knox County owns the building and continues to pay debt payments on the capital bonds that were used to fund its construction.

The Knoxville Tourism and Sports Corporation operates the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame as part of a contractual agreement with Knox County. Under that agreement, Knox County pays $150,000 annually for the maintenance and upkeep of the building, which, as I said, Knox County owns. A copy of the contract and its various amendments is attached.

For the fiscal county budget ending June 30th 2011 Knox County Government spent in the Budget for the Hall of Fame

Principle payment $510,000.00 on the interest we paid $155,263.00 plus the $150,000.00 in maintenance = $815,263.00 we had a yearly attendance of 31,529 so that means the county spent $25.86 PER PERSON!

Suddenly, Beck center looks like a bargain

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Monday, May 16, 2011

My intrinsic formula to not only save Beck Center but make it greater

OK so we need a formula and fast to save the children in the projects from losing computer access, the community from losing a newly created multimillion dollar community center, and preserve millions of dollars in artifacts related to the African American history in East Tennessee. Plus we cannot raise taxes... I got a serious formula that can do that and I am not being sarcastic. Lets do this!

First go here

Or here

OK, first step is we roughly follow Larry Smith's idea. We transfer the historical documents and the artifacts to the East Tennessee Historical Society and the historical society library that is run by Knox County. But here is where my formula gets creative.
Right now in the historical library part of Knox County they have a seldom used computer lab. Plus they have scores of other computers allowed to be used for use for strictly genealogy research throughout the library.
My idea would be to take the computer lab and transfer it to the Beck Center's Library. At the same time we would take the Beck Center Library which is about the same size room as the computer lab and move the Beck Library contents to the computer lab room.

This does so much good. First it places the books in one accessible location that has mass transit access. Next it allows the historical specialists at the library to properly index and display historical books. Also this makes it easier for people searching their family and Tennessee history to do everything in one place. Plus this allows the preservation of material because the library is climate controlled.
Now, the Beck centers library space would be taken over by the library but here is the beautiful part. It would be really cost efficient. With no books to put on shelves and restack, no returns or taking out books you could simply and logistically have one librarian on duty to oversee the computer lab. Right now you got about 6 computers in the Beck Library. With my formula you would then have about 30!

Remember their are nine housing projects within a half mile radius and everyday between 50-100 children use the computer and create a waiting list. They are limited to 30 minutes usage cause the demand is so crushing! With my formula we would address that scenario and not have to build one inch of new space. Everything is pretty much already their.

So, lets recap. So far without building any new buildings or creating any new major expenses we created a new system of utilization that helps our community.

The county Library system recently hired new part-time librarians. The way my formula would work is the new hires now remember you are only needing a couple librarians to run the program at Beck. We would transfer some of the newly expanded hours to the Beck Center Library which would be fully owned and operated by the Knox Library system. This would alleviate a huge burden on the Beck cultural center.

Next, this is where the formula becomes really creative. The Beck Center would give it's artifacts to the East Tennessee Historical Center on PERMANENT LOAN with a "sliding rotation transfer policy." This is really cool. What would happen is this. The county would take over the archival system and the storage and move the artifacts to the historical center. I think Beck's only has like one archive speciaiist. By moving it to the historical center certified teams of archive specialists would be able to properly archive and display artifacts.
However, the beauty of my formula is that the Beck's center could reacquire historical artifacts as they progressed to levels of certain financial fundraising goals. So example, if they receive certain preset financial stability goals they could rotate certain artifacts back into their building.
This does a number of things. One, it allows the Beck Center to grow at it's own pace without major financial fundraising pressure. Two, by donating artifacts on 'permanent to semi-permanent loan' the center never loses its collection or identity. Three as the Center grows it allows for the collection to properly grow and creates an ability to properly display artifacts. Four it allows items that would currently now be stored in archive to be vibrantly displayed for people from all over to see.
A major benefit of this is a major cost to the Beck center right now is climate controlled storage. This cost would be eliminated.

Now we come to the community center. This aspect would be 100% owned operated and controlled by the current Beck Center. With the new center upkeep would be manageable for a nonprofit fundraising based community organization. This would keep a sense of community pride and fellowship.

In conclusion, this is only a rough draft of an idea I just thought of. However, key elements of compromise would enable the community to address the computer shortage, address the financial strains, serve the community, further effectively and creatively use current county resources, and provide a positive community environment with limited to zero tax based impact on the community. I submit this formula simply as a discussion point. I truly believe this could work.

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

two great intel sites and

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Hubert Smith and his thoughts on the Beck Center

Hubert Smith and his thoughts on Beck Center from Leverage Park on Vimeo.

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Relay for Life- Finding the cure for Cancer

Untitled from Leverage Park on Vimeo.

My photos are in the paper this week. Ya. it hit me hard....

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Typical Saturday Night for me...

Reading is fundamental

The Knoxville Paparazzi Intelligence clearance sheet

It is no hidden secret people in the media and political world hear alot. So based off of MI-6 a ranking system was developed to classify information in Knox County.

Level 1-5 Anything written that while interesting, has confidentiality yet if confidence is broken info might be slightly embarrassing but not damaging.

Level 6 - Can be verbal communication only. Classified and can be bad if released to public. No paper trail can exist.

Level 7 - Sexual in nature. Affairs, divorces, cheating spouses, homosexual partners, relationships, and photos of nudity.

Level 8 - High risk of embarrassment and major financial implications. Declassified example. On election night the Focus had a covert operation with a 'Haslam Wins' special edition. I can confirm this was placed at Level 8. Only 5 people knew of the operation. The gamble was because with every major newspaper in the state at election night headquarters, if any paper copied or stole our idea they could have had 20 reporters and made it 40 pages deep hence giving the Focus diluted impact.

Level 9 - Highest level clearance. To reach this level you must be a member of a private subscription International Intelligence gathering source. Like Stratfor Global. The purpose is to ensure members are kept abreast of latest coercion trickery, corporate espionage, cyber warfare and other information gathering trade craft.
Members of this elite level are codenamed "K-9 Unit." In reference to Knoxville Unit Level Nine. You have to 'tapped in' by a current member with that clearance level.

So now you know the Knoxville lingo.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ballard gives us an exclusive interview at kickoff!

Ballard kick off from Leverage Park on Vimeo.

This site has no ads. Please visit and join. Their are many free ways to support the cause like joining the group on facebook to raise awareness and being updated on pending legislation. Why join, because at 36 I have Parkingson's and we need to find a cure! Thanks.

Hubert Smith and his thoughts

Hubert Smith's commentary on Phil Ballard campaign kick off from Leverage Park on Vimeo.

This site has no ads. Please visit and join. Their are many free ways to support the cause like joining the group on facebook to raise awareness and being updated on pending legislation. Why join, because at 36 I have Parkingson's and we need to find a cure! Thanks.

1 minute update with Ivan Harmon

05-11-11 Ivan update from Leverage Park on Vimeo.

This site has no ads. Please visit and join. Their are many free ways to support the cause like joining the group on facebook to raise awareness and being updated on pending legislation. Why join, because at 36 I have Parkingson's and we need to find a cure! Thanks.

Chuck Williams and commentary on Phil Ballard Campaign

Community activist Chuck Williams provides insight from Leverage Park on Vimeo.

This site has no ads. Please visit and join. Their are many free ways to support the cause like joining the group on facebook to raise awareness and being updated on pending legislation. Why join, because at 36 I have Parkingson's and we need to find a cure! Thanks.

Welcome to Leverage Park!

welcome to my new blog. This blog is a lot different then my last blog political leverage. For this blog leverage is not against politics the leverage is against Parkinson's hence "leverage park... park means with Parkinson's. This blog is about me not about politics... however politics is a part of me so that will occasionally show up. However, in my last blog my objective was to find the story, and this blog my objective is I am the story and my goal is to find a cure.

Welcome to Leverage Park from Leverage Park on Vimeo.